Left-Brain / Right-Brain correctly describes Marilyn and Joanna, who met at chefs school. Together they have tested many magazine recipes, where they discovered their two divergent styles of cooking. Left-brain Marilyn is systematic and organized, writing down every variation she makes to a recipe and often dating the change as well. Right-brain Joanna is intuitive and creative, regarding a recipe as merely an inspiration for what she is intending to make.
Joanna’s the better cook, and Marilyn more precise; however, they can both agree that for baking the chemistry and ingredient balance is critical. Joanna has extensive baking experience with breads from baguette to bagels – some of which she makes at home nearly every day. Marilyn relies mostly on purchased artisan bread, but makes dough for pizza and hand-shaped breads in her inherited, nearly-antique Panasonic bread machine, dubbed ‘The Dough Machine’.
Each time you visit Left Brain Right Brain Cookery for culinary inspiration, you’ll find more than just two-for-one, as each fully-tested recipe involves two chefs and two very different approaches. You can feel confident the results will be terrific fare – whichever method you choose. And do delve into our articles about our favourite kitchen equipment and chef techniques acquired in long hours in commercial kitchens, while enjoying our insider information about such diverse subjects as food styling and stories from the food service front!